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How to Prepare for Data Migration Correctly

By June 8, 2022No Comments

Data migration mistakes begin with poor planning. Lack of preparation prevents you from anticipating challenges, which may cause the migration to be delayed. The best way to prepare is to involve all key players, gather all necessary tools, and devise a schedule that will cause the least amount of disruption to the production process.

The Data Type

Determine the type of data ahead of time, as this will assist you in identifying the appropriate tools and people for the migration. You may come across the following types of data:

It is NAS-based and transfers network shares from one system to another.

It moves disks or LUNs from one block level storage to another.

It migrates the entire virtual host between hypervisors and is VM-based.

It migrates a single object or set of databases from one host to another.

The Migration Type

The location of your data can have a significant impact on the process. You must decide whether the migration will be local, remote, or cloud-based. A local migration is when data is moved within the same data center; a remote migration is when data is moved to a different location; and a cloud migration is when data is moved between two cloud storage sources.

Examine the Current Storage Situation

Before beginning the migration, thoroughly evaluate your current storage. Understand the FC switches, RAIDs, and the SAN’s interdependence, among other things. This helps you avoid a disaster that could compromise your data.

Volume of Data

You must also consider how much data you need to move. Remember to include all hosts, LUNs, and storage systems. The best approach is to break down the data to determine how much time and effort is required.

Available Time

Every data migration has a timetable. The time allotted may vary depending on the rate of migration and the volume of data. Before finalizing the schedule, thoroughly examine the data, application, and environment. This will help you decide whether to divide and conquer or to take a holistic approach and transfer all of the data at once. The more information you have prior to the operation, the easier it is to control it and save money.

How Much Downtime Can There be?

To determine how much time you have, you must first determine how active the data is and how much impact the migration will have on production. Downtime is required; however, you must work on it and notify those who will be affected ahead of time. Planning your downtime reduces disruptions.

A successful data process migration is entirely dependent on your preparation. The amount of data you will work on determines how much time you will require. Include all key stakeholders in the planning process and provide daily updates to avoid confusion, particularly during scheduled downtime. Preparation also allows you to obtain the right tools and anticipate challenges, allowing you to plan accordingly. Consult with professionals at PCtronics.

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