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Network Security

How do I secure my remote network? 

By June 21, 2022No Comments

Many companies are forced to offer a hybrid work environment. Post pandemic many workers do not want to fully integrate back into the workplace.  They have found that they are just as productive working remotely and value their free time.  Adjusting to a hybrid workplace relies on a secure remote network for employees to plug into.  It’s crucial that workers can operate remotely productively and safely, no matter the reason. Let’s look at one way to keep data safe and remote workers productive. 

How to Safely Work Remotely? 

Remote work is common. This has increased demand for SSL VPNs.  


Secure Sockets Layer VPN (SSL VPN). Remote users may connect to your network safely and securely. 

SSL VPN connects you securely to your company’s internal network from anywhere. After connecting, you may access the terminal server, your remote desktop, business files, and anything else as if you were in your office. 

You may think, “I have remote desktop, therefore I don’t need this.” 

Remote desktop opens your network to everyone, whereas SSL VPN connects right over your firewall. You can’t ensure that employees will be using a secure internet connection when they’re not in the office, therefore their connection should be encrypted. 

Users should connect to their remote desktop, terminal server, or corporate apps over VPN. 

SSL VPN is NOT a catch-all cyber security layer. 

This doesn’t mean you should neglect anti-virus software. The tunnel is secure yet vulnerable to viruses and intrusions. Your remote PC needs antivirus, detection, and monitoring software. Remote attacks can still arrive across your SSL VPN connection. 

SSL VPN should be an extra layer of safety, not the sole one. 

Policy and firewall setup: 

Setting up SSL VPN on your firewall properly is also crucial. If not, your internal network can be simply brought down. 

SSL VPN is solely for corporate usage. Allowing all traffic through your firewall might cause a major interruption. Remote users streaming music or video will consume considerably more bandwidth than they should, slowing down the workplace internet for everyone. 

Always configure your SSL VPN appropriately for your business. Depending on organization size, internet speed, etc. Consult us at PCtronics or your IT department to set this up. 

Layered security is always the best option. Make sure your SSL VPN is utilized with your firewall, anti-virus, and anti-malware programs, and is configured appropriately, so it doesn’t overload your office’s job capabilities. 

With PCtronics we plan ahead to keep operations running smooth.

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