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4 Interesting Cloud Storage Trends 

By November 14, 2022No Comments

Cloud storage is a component of cloud computing that is widely used but is frequently less eye-catching than the software side. One of the very first uses of the cloud that was widely embraced by many users was storing files in the cloud to make them easily accessible and shareable from anywhere.

Cloud storage is not being left behind as technological advancements like automation and AI are applied to other types of cloud services, such as team communications and business apps. The market is also still developing to make cloud data storage less difficult, more dependable, and more secure.

According to estimates, 50% of all corporate data will be kept in the cloud by 2023 This represents a 15% increase from just five years ago. It’s crucial to centrally store files in cloud systems that are accessible to everyone in today’s hybrid teams, which may work from home and be hundreds or thousands of miles away from coworkers.

What can you anticipate this year in the market for cloud storage? The most intriguing trends to watch are listed below.


Data can be affected by ransomware regardless of where it is kept. This malware can encrypt the data and render it unreadable to the company that owns it, whether it is on a computer, server, or cloud storage platform.

In 2022, ransomware incidents increased 64% in the first half of the year, and the average ransom payment increased by 82%. In the past 18 months, 98% of organizations experienced a cloud data breach, according to a CISO survey.

You’ll start to see cloud storage services offering ransomware recovery protection as a response to ransomware. This calls for highly developed systems that can help stop files from being encrypted by code and those that make a copy of files and store it somewhere safe so files can be restored with the click of a button.

This is a welcome addition to cloud storage given the continued prevalence of ransomware.


“Edge” or “Edge computing” is one of the new lingo that has become popular in recent years. This entails physically putting data applications and storage facilities closer to the user who needs to connect to them.

The demand for faster server-to-user response times has grown along with the use of cloud storage and other cloud-based services. It becomes more challenging to quickly and economically deliver the best user experience when data must travel over long distances. The transition to an Edge computing model has been made by cloud service providers.

You will benefit from increased dependability and quicker response times when accessing or searching for files as a result of your provider’s efforts to deliver your service from a cloud server located closer to your location.

This means that for businesses with offices dispersed across the nation or the globe, you should consider service location when signing up for cloud storage and speak with the provider about distance and how Edge computing factors in.


Almost all areas of technology are becoming smarter thanks to AI and machine learning. To assist you in filling in the blanks and speed up your typing, Microsoft Word and text messaging apps now anticipate what you might type. Using AI, software like Photoshop can quickly crop the area around a person in an image.

This year, AI will also be used more frequently in cloud storage. You can anticipate assistance with automatic file organization based on your cloud storage habits.

To save time, look for features that eliminate manual or repetitive tasks. This entails AI assisting with the automation of processes like provisioning, obtaining and importing data (referred to as “ingesting”), managing data retention, and more.


More cloud storage options from established technology providers will be available in 2022. For instance, Dell Technologies announced a new APEX multi-cloud design that it is working on to enhance the cloud ecosystem, and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise recently unveiled a new Data Services Cloud Console.

Given the wide range of pricing for cloud storage, you might need more assistance choosing the model that will work best for you. You don’t want to overpay for a small amount of space or end up with more storage than you require.

It pays to stay abreast of new offerings and recognize that not every new cloud storage option will be a good fit for the particular data storage requirements of your organization.

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